8 Benefits to Saying Goodbye to Hair Dye

8 Benefits to Saying Goodbye to Hair Dye

The Trend that Empowers

If you’ve dipped into any social media in recent days, you’ve realized there are some trending hashtags that would have been buried in any conversation twenty years ago. #greyhairdontcare #mysilvercrown #embracethegrey #silversisters. But what is it that has encouraged these women to ride the wave into embracing their natural hair color? We looked into it and can tell you… it’s more than just a trend. The grey hair movement is empowering women to embrace themselves as they are today and feel the beauty that’s always been within them

1. The Anti-Aging Effect

For years, we ran with the belief that just because our hair changes as we age, that means greying locks makes us look older. Oh how silly we’ve been. Somehow, we’ve neglected (until now) to open our eyes and realize that salt and pepper hair actually has a rejuvenating effect. The lighter tones soften the facial features that tend to sharpen up as we age.

In other words: Grey hair is actually making us look younger. Thank you, Mother Nature. 

2. Going Dye-Free is Healthier

The only way to keep your hair its pre-grey color is to keep a hair dye regime, which includes root touch-ups every few weeks. But something even the best formula brands don’t tell you: your grey hair is extremely sensitive. That means even the gentlest coloring treatments are damaging your silver locks every time you color them.

Ditching the color treatments keeps your hair stronger, longer. Plus, you don’t have to mark your calendar to remind yourself to touch it up everytime it grows out a little, and it saves you from spending the extra money. Healthier hair, healthier schedule, and a healthier pocketbook!

3. Goodbye Allergy Triggers

Typical hair dye is made up of all kinds of compromising ingredients. Even organic hair dye brands have some resorcinol or aminophenols as well as PPD and PTD. Even if a brand claims that they formulate “PPD free,” they are still very likely to be using an alternative that reacts very similarly.

The truth is that these ingredients are likely to trigger an allergic reaction when they’re used. Even if you don’t feel it the first time, over several usages, more people tend to have breakouts of rashes or a burning scalp.

Call me crazy, but nobody has time to deal with that.

4. Natural Highlights

Remember going to the salon asking for the kind of highlights that give you the multidimensional look we all crave? You had to lift the color so much that the hair nearly broke off. Well the good news is that with grey hair, you have natural highlights that give you a crazy amount of dimensional tones that actually brighten up your complexion. You don’t even have to worry about damaging your hair to get the look you’ve been after.
5.The Feeling of Freedom

As we mentioned above, not having to worry about a hair dye schedule means opening up your calendar. You’re not “stuck” feeling you have to color your roots for that event coming up, or that you have to get back into the salon by a certain time or people will think you’re unkempt with silver roots showing. 

Leaving the dye behind also means the freedom of saving your well earned money to spend on something less “needed” and more fun: that new outfit you’ve been eyeing, that piece of jewelry that would make you feel more regal, or even a treat to a wine and cheese dish once in a while.

Getting out of that “stuck” feeling means having the freedom to drop the worry and focus on the things that make you feel amazing… like living your life to the fullest as a silver-crowned woman!

6. Getting Real

Sure, allowing your greys to grow out means embracing your current natural color. But many women find that it leads to a mindset shift into other areas of their lives. They reevaluate where they put their efforts. They examine what’s important to them. They question what and who they should keep in their lives and let go of what is no longer serving or important to them.

Going grey means taking a step into being the most real you there is. Not just in your hair color, but in your relationships and habits too.

7. No More Body Shaming

It may not feel like it, but hating your grey hair is a form of body shaming. It’s pointing out a piece of your body and claiming that it’s “wrong” or “ugly” or whatever other negative feeling you want to attach to it. 

But letting it grow out gives you the freedom to stop disliking those silver strands and see how beautiful they really can be. Embracing your greys means ditching the shame and wearing your natural hair color proudly. 

8. Empowering Others

Here’s the thing: when we make powerful decisions about our outward appearances, it has the power to affect the people around us. Not just our direct friends and family (though, many silver crown women have claimed to get plenty of compliments from those closest to them) but also other people around them.

I’m talking about strangers on the street or social media lurkers. These people are watching women embrace their greys and they are loving it. It gives them courage to do the same: Ditch the hair dye and embrace the beauty that comes with greying hair, and in turn, embrace the realness of other aspects of their lives, too.

Wear Your Silver Crown Proudly

More and more women are ditching their box dyes and cutting down on their salon visits. They’re settling into their natural beauty that aging gives them and in turn, settling into their truest selves.

Women everywhere are freeing themselves of time, money, and energy and embracing how beautiful their grey locks are. The beauty of that decision is that it’s empowering them and women around them to live happier and free-er lives inside and out.

Ready to wear that silver crown proudly? (No adjustment needed) Schedule your portrait session today!


Daniella Monestime

Portrait artist and photographer located in Brooklyn NY. I want to celebrate your life with beautiful portraits that you will enjoy for generations of your family. Specializing in contemporary, magazine style portraits as well as headshots and personal branding.


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